Slow Speed – FTTN/B Services

NOTE: If your service has been activated just recently, please allow up to 24hrs to stabilize the connection or call us on 1300 303 375 to check your service.


Here are the few things we have to check before troubleshooting:


1. Check on our network status page for any outage in your area. You can click on the links below to check your area for outages.

2. Power off the modem for at least 2-3 minutes before you turn it back on.


If you are still experiencing issues with your connection speeds, please proceed with the troubleshooting below. For the most accurate results, an ethernet-connected device is recommended.


1. Run a speedtest on our website to record the test result. It is recommended to connect only 1 device during the test.
If possible, run the speed test at different times of the day (i.e, morning, afternoon and evening)


2. Try to reset your modem and reconfigure.


3. If it persists, you can try a different modem or use another cable to further isolate the issue.


As there are many things that can affect your internet speed, here are some friendly reminders:


1. Device interference


2. Move closer to the router


3. Audio/video streaming


4. Disconnect from the Virtual Private Network (VPN)


Article ID: 454
Created: April 9, 2024
Last Updated: July 24, 2024
Author: Annive Federicos []

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