Ordering a new SpinTel service

Joining SpinTel is a straightforward process, and you have several options to choose from:

  1. Ordering Online: Visit our website and follow the simple steps to sign up for our services.
  2. Chatting with Us: Click on the chat icon in the lower right corner of this screen to speak with one of our representatives in real-time. They can guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have.
  3. Talking to Our Sales Team: If you prefer a more personal touch, you can call our Sales Team at 13 22 10. They will help you with the signup process and provide any additional information you might need.

What are the required documents to join SpinTel?

To become a SpinTel customer, you’ll need the following:

Additional Documentation:

If you’ve recently moved or relocated, we may ask for a proof of occupancy document to verify your new address. This can be:

These documents help us ensure that your service is set up correctly and that there are no delays in getting you connected.


Steps on how to place an order online:

1. Visit spintel.net.au and click on the service and options that best suit your needs.

2.  Enter your email address and click Proceed to New Checkout

3. On the Secure Checkout Page, select

For NBN order, you can bundle and transfer your existing phone number by providing the transfer details. Make sure to keep the number active until the porting is completed.


4. Review your order and tick the checkbox once everything is all good, then hit Submit

Article ID: 9
Created: April 3, 2024
Last Updated: February 10, 2025
Author: Annive Federicos [annive.federicos@spintel.net.au]

Online URL: https://articles.spintel.net.au/article/ordering-a-new-spintel-service.html