Payment Method and its Processing Fees

Does SpinTel charge a processing fee?

Yes, SpinTel does charge a processing fee for most transactions, which varies depending on the payment method.

Why does SpinTel charge a processing fee?

This fee is necessary to cover the credit card surcharge imposed on transactions, as outlined in SpinTel’s terms and conditions.

What processing fees apply?

Below is a list of the payment methods and their associated processing fees.

Note: Transactions can only be processed using Australian banks; banks from other countries are not accepted.

Payment Method

Processing Fee

MasterCard, VisaCard (Credit or Debit)

1.0% of the payment amount, plus GST

American Express, Diners Club

3.8% of the payment amount, plus GST


2.6 % of the payment amount, plus $0.30 GST

Direct Debit from a Bank Account

No processing fee


Here’s a sample computation for the total processing fee:

Mastercard processing fee is 1.1% including GST.


Bill amount $100

Processing fee is $100 x 1.1% = $1.10


This fee will be reflected on the next monthly bill.

Note: There is no processing fee for the payment of your last bill.


How can I avoid incurring the processing fee?

Simply nominate to pay your bill via Direct Debit bank account. 

Article ID: 517
Created: April 9, 2024
Last Updated: April 30, 2024
Author: Annive Federicos []

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