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Phone connections

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Information is listed according to the connection type. If you are unsure about your connection type, please contact us. 


Connection fees for Basic Telephone Service


The connection fee for this service is based on the following criteria: 




The charges for additional connections listed above only apply where the additional connection is to the same property or premises, for the same customer and is to be connected at the same time as the first connection (so that a technician is already in attendance at your property or premises).


Additional charges


We can charge you a network extension charge if the Basic Telephone Service will be supplied by cable and the property entry point to be used to connect your service is more than 500 metres from the nearest part of our existing network. The network extension charge will cover all work necessary to extend our existing network to the property entry point. We will tell you if such a network extension charge is payable and obtain your approval before any work is started.


Where we are supplying the Basic Telephone Service in fulfilment of our Universal Service Obligation, we will cap the network extension charge as set out below.


MDF buildings


Where you occupy premises in which the network boundary point is a main distribution frame, or in which a main distribution frame is required, your cabling (including the main distribution frame and the building cabling) is usually provided by the building owner and remains a building asset.


Where you request that we install cabling between the main distribution frame and the point where you have requested that we supply the Basic Telephone Service we may agree to undergo the work and we will charge you the fee-for-service charges, as set out in the Table of Rates below, for any work undertaken beyond the main distribution frame


We may charge you our fee-for-service charges, as set out in the Table of Rates below, for installing alternative cabling where you occupy premises for which the network boundary point is a main distribution frame and your new Basic Telephone Service will be:


a) a business service and there is no suitable spare capacity in the cabling system at the premises to extend cabling from the main distribution frame to the location you request; or


b) a business or home service and you do not want your Basic Telephone Service to be connected through the main distribution frame.


What’s not included


We do not have to supply any of the following when we connect your new Basic Telephone Service:


a) cable from a fixed termination point to a moveable structure (such as a mobile home, a caravan, a vessel or a lift);


b) cabling across, through or under a body of water or tidal land to an isolated mooring structure, a buoy, a bollard or a vessel;


c) clearing, digging and reinstatement of land required to install or repair the lead-in cable along the chosen or existing route on your property; or


d) any additional cabling or equipment required to reduce, eliminate or avoid a site hazard (such as a high-voltage substation, a hazardous area or explosive atmosphere).


Table of rates


Examples of Fee-For-Service Charges

We can apply fee-for-service charges to the following situations (but it is not limited to these situations):


Altering cabling or equipment


If you ask us to change cabling or equipment in any way, including for the purposes of installing additional cabling in conjunction with connection of a service, whether part of our network or your customer cabling, you will be charged a fee-for-service charge.


Maintenance works which are outside our service assurance commitments


Fee-for-service charges apply where you request maintenance works which are outside our service assurance commitments; for example, where you ask us to repair a fault outside the coverage period.


Additions, moves or changes


We may charge you an additional charge for any additions, moves or changes to your network or network design.


For equipment configuration file changes (other than complex equipment configuration file changes), fee-for-service charges will apply.

Phone connections